Library Services
Use our search function to look for a book that is at the library.
Whiting Free Library is genuinely a free library. This means anyone can get a library card by coming into the library; there is no cost to residents or nonresidents of Whiting. We welcome people from the surrounding communities to enjoy our town and library services.
There are several options for audiobooks and eBooks for Whiting library card holders.
Due to the generosity of the Brandon Toy Project, the library has a toy lending library with quality educational games and toys for ages one year to twelve years. Come to the library to check out the options available. Additionally, we have adult and child-sized Tubbs snowshoes available to borrow. Due to the demand, the snowshoes can be borrowed for one week.
Resources for adults include audiobooks, eBooks, and more.
Resources for children at our library and community.
Resources for teens at our library and community.